How Long to Powder Coat Wheels?

Powder coating is an ideal process for wheels as it provides an anti-corrosive surface which outlives conventional paint finishes in terms of corrosion protection, wear resistance, chip resistance, yellowing protection, scuff resistance and chip resistance.

Powder coating one wheel could take several hours depending on a variety of factors such as wheel condition and curing equipment.


Powder coating is an increasingly popular finishing technique used to provide metal items like wheels with an appealing and far more resilient surface than liquid paint can offer. While this process can be costly, its ability to resist corrosion more than makes up for its expense.

Before powder coating wheels, they must first be thoroughly cleaned and sandblasted to remove all foreign matter, followed by being heated in order to outgas and burn away any oil that may interfere with the curing process.

Once the wheels have been stripped of oil, they must be masked off in order to prevent powder from adhering to vital areas such as valve stems, lug holes and the tire bead seat. Unfortunately this important step is often ignored by DIY powder coaters leading to poor finish quality.


Powder coating offers an eco-friendly alternative to liquid paint finishes, using no solvents and emitting far fewer volatile organic compounds into the air than traditional painting methods. Furthermore, it produces stronger finishes than liquid paint while providing exceptional resistance against weathering and corrosion.

At this stage, wheels and rims are power washed to remove any dirt or grime on the surface of metal, followed by being sandblasted to eliminate any existing coating and loosen tougher particles. They are then cleaned and degreased prior to being heated in an industrial oven to release any trapped gasses which might compromise their final coating process.

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Wheels are then painted using an electrostatic spray gun equipped with a positive electric charge to attract powder particles to adhere to negatively charged surfaces of wheels and rims. Once applied, this powder must be baked at temperatures greater than 400 degrees Fahrenheit to cure.

Powder Coat


Powder coating is an extremely durable process and much less susceptible to wear- and-tear than traditional liquid paint. Furthermore, its drying and curing time are shorter so your wheels can be back faster!

Electrostatic charging guns are used to spray ground powder particles onto alloy wheels and rims. Since this silty substance does not contain solvents, it adheres to negatively charged surfaces on these items and remains stuck there.

Once powder is sprayed onto wheels, it must be sent back into its heat source for curing as directed by its manufacturer. This step prevents flaking or peeling off of the wheels. Once cured and cooled, quality inspection takes place to ensure an even, strong, long-term finish; high temperature film tapes may come in handy to mark off different sections and protect them from heat damage, before being easily removed once wheels have cooled and tires can be remounted.


Powder coating is both more eco-friendly than conventional paint and durable; plus it gives any business or home an authentic custom look.

To apply powder, wheels or rims are grounded to a metal rack and charged to attract positive electric charges from dry powder particles that will be sprayed onto them when sprayed – this allows it to adhere more securely in tight corners and crevices of your wheels’ surface, providing an even finish.

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Your wheels will then be baked at 350 to 400 degrees in an oven, causing powder to melt and flow over their surfaces, giving them a thick and durable coating which helps protect them against corrosion. Once they’ve cooled off in the oven, any extra making tape or plugs are removed from lug holes; once this process has concluded, your wheels can then be shipped off directly to customers.

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